Foodbook data user guide

Public Use Microdata File (PUMF)
Version 2
March, 2022


1. Introduction

Foodbook is a population-based telephone survey that was conducted in all Canadian provinces and territories. It provides essential data on food, animal and water exposure which will be used by the Agency, as well as other federal, provincial, and territorial (F/P/T) partners to understand, respond to, control and prevent enteric illness in Canada.

The Foodbook study was developed jointly by the Enteric Surveillance and Population Studies Division (ESPS) and the Outbreak Management Division (OMD) in the Centre for Food-borne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (CFEZID) of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), in consultation with F/P/T partners. Its primary purpose was to establish a database describing Canadians' exposure to foods over a seven-day period that may serve as sources for foodborne infections.

The Foodbook Report summarizes the food, water and animal exposure information collected during the survey. Data are summarized nationally, by province and territory and by a number of demographic characteristics (e.g., gender, income, education level).

2. Objective of data user guide

The objective of this data user guide is to provide background on how the data were processed to create the Excel file received from PHAC as well as quality assurance recommendations.

Any questions regarding this user guide or the Foodbook Excel file should be sent to:

3. Data processing

Refused and don't know values

All values for "refused" and "don't know" were recoded to "missing". This is represented in the Excel file by an empty cell. For most analyses, these values should not be used in the calculation of estimates. Most software packages will remove these observations automatically, with no special direction from the user.

Creation of derived variables

To facilitate data analysis and to minimize the risk of error, a number of variables on the file have been derived using those found on the Foodbook questionnaire (refer to Appendix B). All derived variables have a "_dv" appended to the variable name. With the exception of variables listed below, all of the original variables were dropped from the dataset. Please refer to the Codebook for a list of all variable names and labels. There are four main types of derived variables on the file.

(1) The first set of derived variables were generated to facilitate analysis and reporting:

(2) The second set of derived variables is based on questions that are related by skip patterns in the survey. A skip pattern is a situation in which a main question is asked of respondents and only those responding a particular way to this question are asked subsequent questions. The unprocessed data file reflects these patterns. If there was a non-negative response to a main question in a skip pattern, usually yes/don't know/refused, the respondents were asked subsequent questions. In this survey, sub-questions were usually on food items within the food category mentioned in the main question. This is common in surveys to reduce the survey length. Derived versions of these variables were made to carry forward the number of negative answers in the main question to the sub-question. This ensures that the full denominator (representing the full population) is used for prevalence estimates, a key value that many users will wish to calculate.

Furthermore, since respondents who responded don't know/refused to the main question were asked the sub-questions in the skip pattern, it is possible that a positive response, or yes, was recorded in the sub-question(s). These yes responses were carried back to the main question such that the "don't know" or "refused" response was recoded to "yes". Thus, for all sets of skip pattern questions, "no" responses were forward coded to any sub-questions to make the denominator representative of the full population and "yes" responses to the sub-questions were carried back to main question to ensure a consistent set of responses for the whole set.

Forward and back coding was performed on questions for: tomatoes, sprouts, onions, store-bought prepared salads, lettuce or leafy greens, nuts, beef, hamburgers, pork, poultry, deli-meat, fish and seafood, shellfish, dairy and cheese, recreational water, animal exposures.


(3) Questions allowing for multiple responses (checkbox style) were recoded to yes/no style questions. They were also forward and back coded as mentioned in section (2) above. Inconsistencies across the multiple responses were recoded. Multiple responses were allowed for the following exposures: type of shawarma/donair (e.g., chicken, beef, pork); location of shawarma/donair purchase (e.g., sit down restaurant, food stand); pool, hot tub and waterpark exposures (e.g., indoor, outdoor).


(4) The final set of derived variables provides convenient measures of broader exposure groups. For instance, there were four questions on the survey about berries.


Combined derived variables were applied as follows: any baby formula, any carrots, any fresh herbs, any spices, any melon, any berries, any ground beef, any poultry, other shawarma/donnair, any country meat, any country seafood, any eggs, other eggs, any raw dairy, any frozen fruit, meal at a fast food restaurant, go into any natural water.

Creation of the public use microdata file

The public use microdata file (PUMF) was generated from the Foodbook master file, and is designed to reduce the probability of identifying respondents to an acceptable level of risk while maintaining the file's usefulness and analytic potential. At this time the Northern Community questions, the food safety module, and the gastrointestinal symptoms module are not included in the PUMF. If users have questions about this excluded content, or would like to request access to this excluded content, please contact Changes made to produce the Foodbook PUMF are summarized in Appendix A.

4. Quality assurance - guidelines

These quality assurance guidelines were adapted from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Annual component User guide for the 2012 and 2011-2012 Microdata files (June 2013).

The following guidelines are concerned with the quality of estimates being produced from the Foodbook Excel file. Because the results of some tabulations might not meet minimum quality requirements, for example, because the researcher wishes to examine a small population, care must be exercised in the use and interpretation of the estimates.

Here are a few items to keep in mind:

  1. Foodbook is a sample survey. The sampling rate varies across the country, age, and gender to name only a few factors, and the weights vary accordingly. In calculating your estimates, always use the weight field EXPWEIGHT_CMA2 or EXPWEIGHT_CMA2_DV or BQ15. Consult your statistical software on how to incorporate this weight variable into the commands.
  2. Remember that the weights are designed to provide population estimates of persons living in households. The weights do not reflect the number of households. There are no household weights on the file.
  3. If the number of sampled respondents who contribute to the calculation of the estimate (unweighted count) is less than 10, the weighted estimate should not be released. This value can be found in the output of most estimation commands in most software programs. If not, run a simple tabulation or count command with the same exclusions to ensure the sample is large enough.
  4. Keep in mind the following general rule concerning the coefficient of variation (CV=1/t-statistic of the estimate):
    • a CV between 0.0 and 16.5% indicates that the estimate is most probably of good quality, with an acceptable degree of variability;
    • a CV between 16.6 and 33.3% reflects a marginal estimate that should be interpreted accordingly and identified as such in any publication;
    • a CV greater than 33.3% indicates an estimate of poor quality that should not be considered for publication, or should be strongly qualified if used.
    • Though an estimate may be of very poor quality on its own, it may be statistically different from larger estimates of the same value from other populations, like cases. Thus, it may still be useful for case-control comparisons.
  5. When publishing totals, it is recommended to round the figures to the closest hundred, or to the closest thousand if the figures are large enough. No more than three significant digits is suggested. Publishing an exact, unrounded total provides a false sense of accuracy about the data.
  6. For the same reason, published ratios or proportions should be rounded to no more than one decimal point.
  7. Height and weight variables include extreme values as well as unresolved reporting errors. It is strongly recommended that thorough cleaning be performed prior to any analysis.
  8. The variables CMA_NAME_dv, BQ5 and StrongMIZ are based on the Forward Sortation Area (FSA) of the respondent.

Appendix A - Changes made to create Foodbook PUMF

Description Foodbook master file Foodbook PUMF Method applied


Footnote 1

Cole TJ, Bellizzi MC, Flegal KM, Dietz WH. (2000). Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey. BMJ. May 6;320(7224):1240-3. Available at:

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight Classification in Adults - Quick Reference Tool for Professionals

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Survey company id code for record SURVEYID uniqueid Observation number
Age in years AGE BQ3 Grouped, 10 categories.
Gender gender BQ4 None
Household type CHI_ADU BQ5 None
# of children in the household AQINTRO4B AQINTRO4B_dv Top coded at 5 or more
# of adults in the household AQINTRO4C AQINTRO4C_dv Top coded at 3 or more. Recoded so no larger than AQ165_dv.
# of adult children in the household AQ165A AQ165A_dv Top coded at 4 or more. Recoded so no larger than AQ165_dv.
# of people in the household AQ165 AQ165_dv Top coded at 6 or more
# of landlines in the household AQ166 AQ166_dv Top coded at 2 or more
# of cellphones among members in the household AQ167 AQ167_dv Top coded at 3 or more
Census metropolitan area of residence CMA_NAME_dv BQ6 Grouped. Thunder Bay, Sherbrooke now unidentifiable
Forward sortation area based on postal code FSA Suppressed  
Province of residence QINTRO3 QINTRO3 All provinces and territories represented
Language of interview QLANGUAGE BQ7 Grouped. French & Other together
Household income income BQ9 Grouped. 4 groups
Education education BQ8 Grouped. 7 groups
Weight AQ164_weight BQ10 Grouped by quintile
Height Q163_FEET, AQ163_FEET, Q163_INCHES, AQ163_INCHES, Q163_METERS, AQ163_METERS, Q163_CENTIMETERS, AQ163_CENTIMETERS BQ11 Grouped by quintile
Body mass index (Note: includes pregnant women) (Based on weight and height variables above) BQ12
Grouped by Cole and Int. Std. methodsFootnote 1 Grouped by International Standard methodsFootnote 2
Interview completed by proxy PROXY BQ14 Reponses for ages 15-17 removed.
Survey weight EXPWEIGHT_ CMA2 BQ15 5 significant digits, no observation has weight < 3 or missing

“How do you know when your meat is cooked enough to eat?”



Grouped, 15 categories

"How do you define elderly?"



Grouped, 21 categories

“…are there other groups at greater risk of foodborne illness...?




Appendix B - Foodbook questionnaire


  1. Question text in bold font is read to the respondent. Text in normal font is not read to the respondent.
  2. Interviewer instructions are prefaced by the word "INTERVIEWER", and are not read aloud.
  3. Question text in italic font enclosed by brackets [ ] is read to the respondent at the discretion of the interviewer.
  4. Variable names are displayed in bold font between asterisks (e.g., *QINTRO1*. The asterisks are not part of the variable name. Not all variables were shared in the Excel Foodbook file or the codebook (e.g., select variables from the introductory script).
  5. In the case where the individual who was selected to be interviewed was not the respondent (i.e., proxy interview) the word "you" was replaced with "your child/the selected individual/he/she" as appropriate.

Contact component

Observation number
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Phone number sample source
  • 01 Listed residential numbers
  • 02 Random digit dialing residential numbers
  • 03 Cell phone numbers
Hello/Bonjour, my name is ______. I'm calling on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada from {survey company name}. May I please speak to an adult in the household?

[The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is the main Government of Canada agency responsible for public health in Canada. The Agency's primary goal is to strengthen Canada's capacity to protect and improve the health of Canadians and to help reduce pressures on the health-care system.]

  • 01 Yes
  • 02 No If no: Go to INTRO14
  • 99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview
INTERVIEWER: If new person on the phone begin with: [Hello/Bonjour, my name is ______. I'm calling on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada from {survey company name}]

We're collecting data to help public health professionals investigate diseases and disease outbreaks. Your phone number has been chosen randomly.

Our study requires that we select a random person in your household. May I ask you a few questions to ensure this random selection.

01 Yes If yes: Continue, read This call may be recorded or monitored for quality assurance.
02 No If no: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview
99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

[The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is the main Government of Canada agency responsible for public health in Canada. The Agency's primary goal is to strengthen Canada's capacity to protect and improve the health of Canadians and to help reduce pressures on the health-care system.]

Can you please confirm, what province or territory you live in?

01 British Columbia
02 Alberta
03 Saskatchewan
04 Manitoba
05 Ontario
06 Quebec
07 New Brunswick
08 Nova Scotia
09 Prince Edward Island
10 Newfoundland and Labrador
11 Yukon
12 Northwest Territories
13 Nunavut
99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

Is there someone in your household within the following age groups?
INTERVIEWER: Please select all that apply
*QINTRO4A_1*0–9 years
00 Not selected
01 Selected
*QINTRO4A_2*10–17 years
00 Not selected
01 Selected
*QINTRO4A_3*18 or 19 years
00 Not selected
01 Selected
*QINTRO4A_4*20–64 years
00 Not selected
01 Selected
00 Not selected
01 Selected
*QINTRO4A_97* Don't know
00 Not selected
01 Selected If selected: Thank you for your time.
Stop the interview
*QINTRO4A_99* Refused
00 Not selected
01 Selected If selected: Thank you for your time.
Stop the interview
Including yourself, how many adults, age 18 or older, live in your household?

00 Not selected
01 Selected If selected: *AQINTRO4C* _______ (record number)
99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

If only 1 person Go to INTRO6
If more than 1 person Go to INTRO7

Display if QINTRO4A_1 = 01 (0 to 9) or QINTRO4A_2 = 01 (10 to 17)

PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. Top coded at 3 or more. Recoded so no larger than AQ165_dv.

Number of adults in the household
01 1
02 2
03 3 or more
How many children under 18 live in your household?

00 Not selected
01 Selected If selected:*AQINTRO4B* _______ (record number)
99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Household type randomization: 50% of the time ask for child and 50% of the time ask for adult unless quota is filled.
PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. Top coded at 5 or more.

Number of children in the household
01 1
02 2
03 3
04 4
05 5 or more
01 Child selected in household with adult and children
02 Adult selected in household with adult and children
03 Adult selected in adult only household
04 Unknown due to original household method
How old are you?
[We need to know the age of the selected individual to determine if he or she is old enough to be interviewed directly or the interview should be completed with a proxy respondent at the discretion of the parent or legal guardian]
01 Selected If selected: *AQINTRO6* _______ (record age in years)
11 Less than 1 year old
99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview
Of the {children/adults} who are {between} {the selected age group} in your household, may I have the age of the person who has the next birthday?
[We need to know the age of the selected individual to determine if he or she is old enough to be interviewed directly or the interview should be completed with a proxy respondent at the discretion of the parent or legal guardian.]
01 Selected If selected: *AQINTRO7* _______ (record age in years)
11 Less than 1 year old
99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

[Any information collected will be kept strictly confidential and answers will be used for the purpose of this study only. You or the selected individual will not be identified after the survey is complete. Information about the selected individual's age is collected for statistical purposes only.]

INTERVIEWER: Please click on the appropriate age category

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Only quotas not yet filled should appear
01 0 to 9 years old available
02 10 to 19 years old available
03 20 to 64 years old available
04 Over 65 years available
05 None of the above available Go to OVERQUOTA_LAND
99 Respondent refused to provide age.

PROGRAMMING NOTE: If selected respondent is…
19 years or older Go to QINTRO8
less than 16 years old Go to QINTRO9
between 16 and 17 years old (QINTRO3 = QC) Go to QINTRO9
18 years old (QINTRO3 = QC) Go to QINTRO8
Between 16 and 18 years old (QINTRO3 <> QC) Go to QINTRO8

If possible, we would like to speak with that person in that age group. Would I be able to speak with this person now?

01 Yes, that is me Go to INTRO15
02 I will get them Go to INTRO10
03 No, unable to respond due to medical or activity limitation
Go to INTRO12
04 No, callback Go to INTRO14
97 Unsure “Thank you for your time.” Stop the interview
99 Refused “Thank you for your time.” Stop the interview

Since the individual selected in your household is {between 0 and 15 years old<for non-Quebec resident>/ between 0 and 17 years old <for Quebec resident>} years of age, I need to ask the child's parent or legal guardian for permission to interview them. May I speak to the parent or legal guardian of this person?

[Use of proxy respondents will be in accordance with P/T laws for participants under a certain age. Since the individual is under the age of consent, the interview must be conducted by the parent or legal guardian.]

01 Yes, respondent Go to INTRO11
02 Yes, new person Go to INTRO10
03 No, callback Go to INTRO14
97 Unsure Thank you for your time. Stop the interview
99 Refused Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

Hello/Bonjour, my name is _______. I'm calling on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada from {survey company name}. We're collecting data to help public health professionals investigate illnesses and outbreaks. Your phone number has been chosen randomly to be included in this confidential and voluntary study. The survey will take about 30 minutes. Do you have time to hear more about the study now?

[The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is the main Government of Canada agency responsible for public health in Canada. The Agency's primary goal is to strengthen Canada's capacity to protect and improve the health of Canadians and to help reduce pressures on the health-care system.]

01 Yes If yes: Go to QINTRO11 or QINTRO15
(See programming note below)
03 No, callback If no: Go to INTRO14
99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

PROGRAMMING NOTE: If selected respondent is…
19 years or older Go to QINTRO15
less than 16 years old Go to QINTRO11
between 16 and 17 years old (QINTRO3 = QC) Go to QINTRO11
18 years old (QINTRO3 = QC) Go to QINTRO15
Between 16 and 18 years old (QINTRO3 <> QC) Go to QINTRO15

Since the individual selected in your household is {between 0 and 15 years old<for non-Quebec resident>/ between 0 and 17 years old <for Quebec resident>}, as the child's parent or legal guardian, you can decide the person person to answer for the child. You may answer. You may have another adult that is well acquainted with the child's daily activities (e.g., nanny) answer the questions. Which would you prefer?

[INTERVIEWER: If new person is on the line, reread the intro as necessary before continuing:

Hello/Bonjour, my name is ____________. I'm calling on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada from {survey company name}. We're collecting data to help public health and food safety professionals understand and investigate illnesses and outbreaks that may be caused by contaminated food, water or animals. We are also asking Canadians about recent gastrointestinal illnesses which may be caused by contaminated food, water and animals and a few demographic questions to help us better understand certain characteristics of respondents from the study. Your phone number has been chosen randomly to be included in this confidential and voluntary study. The survey will take about 30 minutes. Do you have time to hear more about the study now?]

[The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is the main Government of Canada agency responsible for public health in Canada. The Agency's primary goal is to strengthen Canada's capacity to protect and improve the health of Canadians and to help reduce pressures on the health-care system.]

[Use of proxy respondents will be in accordance with P/T laws for participants under a certain age. Since the individual is under the age of consent, the interview must be conducted by the parent or legal guardian.]

01 Yes
02 No, callback If no: Go to QINTRO14
99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

Thank you. Before we continue, it is important that you can answer questions about the child's activities in the past 7 days, would you tell me if the child had spent at least one day last week in a different home than your current place of residence?

INTERVIEWER: Code the case as a non-qualifier (CATI 24 - "Non-Qualifier - Proxy no R contact in 7 days") if the selected child did not spent the entire previous 7 days in the same household as the parent or legal guardian who will be completing the survey about the child. Please provide details comments for these cases when using this CATI code.An example of this would be for a child whose parents are divorced or are separated. For joint custody, the child could spend half the time in one parent's home and the half at the other parent's home.
01 Yes If yes: Thank you very much. We are only interviewingpeople who have spent the past 7 days in the samehousehold.
02 No If no: Go to QINTRO15
99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

You can decide the best person to answer the questions for this person. You may answer or you may have another adult that is well acquainted with this person's daily activities (e.g. care giver) answer the questions. Which would you prefer?

01 Current person If current person: Go to QINTRO15
02 Another adult If another adult: Go to QINTRO13
99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

Would you please allow me to speak with this person now?

[INTERVIEWER: If new person is on the line, reread the intro as necessary before continuing

Hello/Bonjour, my name is _______. I'm calling on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada from {survey company name}. We're collecting data to help public health professionals investigate illnesses and outbreaks. Your phone number has been chosen randomly. The survey will take about 30-35 minutes. Do you have time to hear more about the study now?]

[The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is the main Government of Canada agency responsible for public health in Canada. The Agency's primary goal is to strengthen Canada's capacity to protect and improve the health of Canadians and to help reduce pressures on the health-care system.]

01 Yes If yes: Go to QINTRO15
02 No, callback If no: Go to QINTRO14
97 Don't know
99 Refused If refused: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

When would be a good time to call back so that I may speak with you? Thank you, I will call back later.

INTERVIEWER: ask if selected individual's name is unknown:“May I have your first name so we know who to ask for when we call back?”

01 Yes If yes: INTERVIEWER: Set a callback day and time
02 No If no: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

01 Adult proxy for child
02 Adult proxy for adult
03 Self-report

PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. Responses for ages 15 to 17 removed.

01 Adult proxy for child
02 Adult proxy for adult
03 Self-report
We'd like to ask you some questions about foods you ate, water you drank and animals you may have been in contact with, your food safety practices in the home and whether you had any recent gastrointestinal illness. We will also ask a few demographic questions such as your age and gender to understand characteristics of survey participants. The Public Health Agency of Canada will study these data and share it with other federal, provincial and territory government agencies and food safety researchers.

The survey will take about 30-35 minutes. This is a confidential and anonymous survey. We will not be keeping personal identifying information like your name, phone number or address on file nor will it be linked to the study data that we will be collecting. Information will only be reported about the population as a whole (information about all the participants), not about specific individuals who participated in the survey. Your participation is voluntary, and all of your answers will be stored in a secure manner. There is no penalty for not taking part in this study. You may refuse to answer any of the questions or stop at any time.

Do I have permission to interview you?
01 Yes If yes: This call may be recorded or monitored for quality assurance
02 No If no: Thank you for your time. Stop the interview

INTERVIEWER: In what language is this survey being completed?

01 English
02 French
03 Other If other:*AQLANGUAGE * Specify ________

Create derived variable *lang_dv*

  • If QLANGUAGE = 01 Use 01 English
  • If QLANGUAGE = 02 Use 02 French
  • If AQLANGUAGE = “French & English” Use 03 French & English
  • If AQLANGUAGE = “Inuktitut” Use 04 Inuktitut
  • If AQLANGUAGE = “Korean” Use 05 Korean
  • If AQLANGUAGE = “Mandarin” Use 06 Mandarin
  • If AQLANGUAGE = “Russian” Use 07 Russian
  • If AQLANGUAGE = “Spanish” Use 08 Spanish

PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. Grouped “French and other languages” together.

*Language of interview

1 English
2 French and other languages

In the past 7 days, did you travel outside of {QINTRO3} and stay overnight?

01 Yes If yes: Go to TERM_INTRO
02 No

Before we proceed, may I confirm that your age is ______
  • If AGE >10 Use 01 0–9 years
  • If AGE ≥ 10 and AGE <20 Use 02 10–19 years
  • If AGE ≥ 20 and AGE <65 Use 03 20–64 years
  • If AGE ≥ 25 Use 04 65+ years


Age group
  1. 0–4 years
  2. 5–9 years
  3. 10–14 years
  4. 15–24 years
  5. 25–34 years
  6. 35–44 years
  7. 45–54 years
  8. 55–64 years
  9. 65–74 years
  10. 75+ years
Can I please confirm are you Male or Female.
01 Male
02 Female
03 Other
99 Refused
Thank you for your interest but we have filled our quota for the province/territory you live in for this month. May we call you again next month if our quota is not filled?

51 PROGRAMMING NOTE: Call back next month; Terminate interview
52 Refused If refused: Terminate interview

Would you please tell me the first three digits of your residential postal code?
_______ (record number)

INTERVIEWER: If respondents answer “don't know”, ask:“Do you want us to look up your postal code?” and then look up the first three digit of their postal code.
Census Metropolitan Area name
PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for the PUMF. Grouped. Thunder Bay, Sherbrooke now unidentifiable.
Census metropolitan area of residence
1             Abbotsford - Mission
2             Barrie
3             Brantford
4             Calgary
5             Edmonton
6             Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury
7             Guelph
8             Halifax
9             Hamilton
10           Kelowna
11           Kingston
12           Kitchener - Cambridge - Waterloo
13           London
14          Moncton
15          Montréal
16          Oshawa
17           Ottawa - Gatineau
18           Peterborough
19           Québec
20           Regina
21           Saguenay
22           Saint John
23           Saskatoon
24           Sherbrooke
25           St. Catharines - Niagara
26           St. John's
27           Toronto
29           Trois-Rivières
30           Vancouver
31           Victoria
32           Windsor
33           Winnipeg
34           non-CMA
Indicator of whether a FSA was matched to a strong metropolitan influenced zone
01           Yes
Thank you very much, but we are only interviewing people who have not traveled outside of {QINTRO3} in the past 7 days. Thank you for your time.

Food exposure study

Now I'd like to ask you about a list of foods you might have eaten in the past 7 days.

It doesn't matter whether it was raw or cooked and it doesn't matter where you ate it. Some of the questions might seem a little repetitive, but please try and answer each question, even if you think it was already asked.

You may find it helpful to refer to a calendar or day planner to recall the foods you ate in the last week.


PROGRAMMING NOTE: Ask only if selected participant is ≤2 years of age, otherwise begin survey at Vegetables section.

Now we would like to ask you about infant foods. Please answer yes if you have eaten any of the following foods in the past 7 days.

Any baby formula bought as a liquid in a can?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Baby formula bought as a powder
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Create combined variable *DQ1_dv*

  • If Q1=01 or Q2=01 Use 01 Yes
  • If Q1=02 and Q2=02 Use 02 No
Store-bought pureed baby food
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Infant/toddler cereal
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Have you eaten any other foods in the past 7 days? For example, any home prepared pureed foods?
01 Yes
02 No If no: Go to Q113
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused If refused: Go to Q113


Now I am going to ask you about vegetables consumed in the past 7 days. Please do not include frozen or canned/jarred vegetables.

Did you eat any tomatoes?
01 Yes
02 No If no: Go to Q9
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any tomatoes on a sandwich, burger, or taco from a restaurant or fast food establishment?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any of the following types of tomatoes?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Beef steak
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Cherry or grape
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any lettuce or leafy greens?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ9* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If no: Go to Q13
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any lettuce on a sandwich, burger, or taco from a restaurant or fast food establishment?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ10* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any of the following types of lettuce or leafy greens?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ11_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ11_B* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ11_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Mesclun greens
01 Yes If yes: *AQ11_D* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Of the lettuce that you ate, did any of the lettuce or leafy greens come in a prepackaged bag or container?
[in a commercial package, not packaged by the grocery store/retailer]
01 Yes If yes: *AQ12* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any cabbage? Include if eaten as coleslaw.
01 Yes If yes: *AQ13* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any sprouts (e.g. bean or alfalfa or any other kind), including any sprouts on a sandwich or salad?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ14* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If no: Go to Q16
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any of the following types of sprouts?
Alfalfa sprouts
01 Yes If yes: *AQ15_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Bean sprouts
01 Yes If yes: *AQ15_B* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you eat any…

01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Bell peppers (e.g. red, green, yellow peppers)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Hot peppers (e.g. jalapeno, Serrano, habanero)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Carrots (not mini)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Mini/baby carrots
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Created combined variable *DQ2_*

  • If Q20=01 or Q21=01 Use 01 Yes
  • If Q20=02 and Q21=02 Use 02 No
Peas (shelled or in pods)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Green or yellow beans
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Fresh garlic (not powdered)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any onions? 01 Yes
02 No If no: Go to Q32
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you eat any of the following types of onions?

Did you eat any of the following types of onions?
White onions/yellow onions

01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Red onions
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Green onions
01 Yes If yes: *AQ31_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you drink any vegetable juices (e.g. tomato juice or carrot juice)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ32* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Herbs and spices

In the past 7 days, did you eat any of the following herbs?

Fresh Thai basil
01 Yes If yes: *AQ33_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Fresh basil
01 Yes If yes: *AQ33_B*Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Fresh cilantro/ coriander
01 Yes If yes: *AQ33_C*Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Fresh tarragon
01 Yes If yes: *AQ33_D*Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Fresh parsley
01 Yes If yes: *AQ33_E* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Other fresh herbs (e.g. oregano, dill, mint, rosemary, chives and thyme)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Create combined variable *DQ3_dv*

  • If Q33_A=01 or Q33_B=01 or Q33_C=01 or Q33_D=01 or Q33_E=01 or Q33_F=01
    Use 01 Yes
  • If Q33_A =02 and Q33_B =02 and Q33_C =02 and Q33_D =02 and Q33_E =02 and Q33_F =02
    Use 02 No

Did you eat any of the following spices?

Pepper (whole/ground, white, black or blended)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ34_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Curry powder
01 Yes If yes: *AQ34_B* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Other spices (e.g. fennel (seed), anise/aniseed, parsley flakes, spice blends, etc.)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Create combined variable *DQ4*

  • If Q34_A=01 or Q34_B=01 or Q34_C=01 or Q34_D=01 or Q34_E=01
    Use 01 Yes
  • If Q34_A =02 and Q34_B =02 and Q34_C =02 and Q34_D =02 and Q34_E =02
    Use 02 No

Prepared salads

In the past 7 days, did you eat any store-bought prepared salads? Please exclude any prepared salads from restaurants/fast food chains.
01 Yes If yes: *AQ35* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If yes: Go to Q37A
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you eat any of the following types of store-bought prepared salads?

Green salad
01 Yes If yes: *AQ36_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ36_B* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Potato salad
01 Yes If yes: *AQ36_C*Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Pasta salad
01 Yes If yes: *AQ36_D* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Fruit salad/pre-cut fruit or fruit platter
01 Yes If yes: *AQ36_E* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Prepared dips

Did you eat any store bought salsa?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ37A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any store bought hummus?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ37B* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused


Now I am going to ask you about fruits consumed in the last 7 days. Please do not include frozen, canned/jarred or dried fruits. Please include any fruits in salads, smoothies, desserts or as a garnish. Did you eat any of the following fruits?

01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Citrus fruit (e.g. oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, etc.)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Avocado (including guacamole)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ_55* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Honeydew melon
01 Yes If yes: *AQ_56* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ_57* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Create combined variable *DQ5_dv*

  • If Q_55=01 or Q_56=01 or Q_57=01
    Use 01 Yes
  • If Q_55=02 and Q_56=02 and Q_57=02
    Use 02 No
01 Yes If yes: *AQ_58* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ_59* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ_60* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ_61* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Create combined variable *DQ6_dv*
  • If Q_58=01 or Q_59=01 or Q_60=01 or Q_61=01
    Use 01 Yes
  • If Q_58=02 and Q_59=02 and Q_60=02 and Q_61=02
    Use 02 No
Did you have any unpasteurized fruit juice (e.g. unpasteurized apple cider)?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you have any fruit smoothies?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Northern community questions

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT, NU
Berries from the land
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT, NU
Other plants (e.g., used in tea)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Nuts and seeds

Did you eat any…

Peanut butter?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Other nut paste, butter or spread (e.g. almond butter or chocolate hazelnut spread)?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any nuts? Either on their own, in granola bar, as a garnish or as part of a dish?
01 Yes
02 No If no: Go to Q68_A
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you eat any of the following nuts?

Peanuts (not including peanut butter)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ67_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ67_B Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ67_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Hazelnuts (filberts)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ67_D* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ67_E* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ67_F* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you eat any of the following seeds?

Sunflower seeds
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Sesame seeds
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Tahini, halva or other products made from sesame seeds?
01 Yes If yes: AQ68_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked in 3rd month of data collection only (June 10 to July 9, 2014)
Did you eat any chia product or chia containing products (e.g. granola, cereal, trail mix, snack bars, protein supplements, etc)?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked in 3rd month of data collection only (June 10 to July 9, 2014).
Did you eat any chia seeds which are often used in smoothies, sprinkled in yogurt or cereal, or used in pudding?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked in 3rd month of data collection only (June 10 to July 9, 2014).
Did you eat any chia seed powder?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused


In the past 7 days, did you eat any beef (not including deli-meat)?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ69* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If no: Go to Q80
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any hamburgers (i.e. hamburger patties)?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ70* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If no: Go to Q74
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Were any of the hamburgers home-made from ground beef?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ71* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Were any of the hamburgers store-bought frozen beef patties?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ72* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any beef hamburgers from a restaurant or fast food
01 Yes If yes: *AQ73* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you have any other ground beef (e.g. meatball, chilli, spaghetti sauce)?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ74* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If no: Go to Q76
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Create combined variable *DQ7_dv*

  • If Q70_dv=01 or Q74_dv=01
    Use 01 Yes
  • If Q70_dv =02 and Q74_dv =02
    Use 02 No
Was any of the ground beef consumed raw or undercooked (e.g. tartare or kibbeh)?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ75* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Raw beef (e.g. carpaccio)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ76* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ77* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Stewing beef
01 Yes If yes: *AQ78* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Other whole-cut beef products (e.g. ribs, roast)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ79* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused


In the past 7 days, did you eat any pork (not including deli-meat)?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ80* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If no: Go to Q82
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you eat any of the following pork products?

Ham (not including deli-meat)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ81_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Ground pork
01 Yes If yes: *AQ81_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If no: Go to Q82
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Any pork pieces or parts (e.g. pork roasts, ribs, chops, in soups, or as part of a (*Q81_D_dv*)dish, not including deli-meat or ham)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ81_D* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If no: Go to Q82
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused


In the past 7 days, did you eat any chicken (not including deli-meat)?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ82* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If no: Go to Q84
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you eat any of the following chicken products?

Store-bought breaded chicken (e.g. chicken nuggets, strips or burgers)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Ground chicken
01 Yes If yes: *AQ83_B* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Any chicken pieces or parts (e.g. roasted whole chicken, breasts, wings, thighs, in soups or as part of a dish, not including deli-meat)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ83_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Any chicken from a restaurant or fast food establishment
01 Yes If yes: *AQ83_D* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused


In the past 7 days, did you eat any turkey (not including deli-meat)?
01 Yes
02 No If no: Go to Q86
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you eat any of the following turkey products?

Turkey bacon
01 Yes If yes: *AQ85_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Ground turkey
01 Yes If yes: *AQ85_B* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Any turkey pieces or parts (e.g. roasted whole turkey, breasts, wings, thighs, in soups, or as part of a dish, not including deli meat)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ85_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you eat any other poultry (not including deli meat e.g. Cornish hen, duck)?
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Create combined variable *DQ8_dv*
  • If Q82_dv =01 or Q84_dv =01 or Q86=01
    Use 01 Yes
  • If Q82_dv =02 and Q84_dv =02 and Q86=02
    Use 02 No


In the past 7 days, did you eat any deli-meat/cold cuts?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ87* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If no: Go to Q89_A
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you eat any of the following deli-meat/cold cuts?

Chicken deli meat
01 Yes If yes: *AQ88_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Turkey deli meat
01 Yes If yes: *AQ88_B* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Ham deli meat 01 Yes If yes: *AQ88_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Beef deli meat
01 Yes If yes: *AQ88_D* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ88_E* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ88_F* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ88_G* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ88_H* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Other meat/animal products

In the past 7 days did you eat any of the following meat products?

Hot dogs
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Dried meat products (e.g. beef jerky, pepperettes, etc.)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ89_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Pâté/meat spread
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Any organ meats or offal (e.g. liver, kidney, heart, etc.)
INTERVIEWER : Please ensure the type of animal the organ meat has come from is specified.
Ex. Chicken liver, Cow heart.
01 Yes If yes: *AQ89_H* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No If no: Go to Q90
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Specify organ meat___________
In the past 7 days, did you eat any shawarma or donair?
[This refers to meat (either made with ground meat that is formed into a cone shape or made with thin, whole cuts of meat) placed on a spit and grilled. Shavings are cut off the block of meat for serving and the remainder of the block is kept heating on a rotating spit]
01 Yes
02 No If no: Go to Q93
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

What type of shawarma/donair did you eat?
PROGRAMMING NOTE: For all questions below, recode 00 (“Not selected”) to 02 (“No”). Re-label 01 (“Selected”) to (“Yes”)
INTERVIEWER: Please select all that apply

(*Q91_1_dv*) Chicken
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q91_2_dv*) Beef
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q91_3_dv*) Pork
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q91_4_dv*) Lamb
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q91_5_dv*) Turkey
00 Not selected
01 Selected

00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q91_7_dv*) Mixed meats
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q91_8_dv*) Other
00 Not selected
01 Selected If selected: *AQ91* Specify: _______

(*Q91_97_dv*) Don't know / Not sure
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q91_99_dv*) Refused
00 Not selected
01 Selected

Create combined variable *Q91_dv*

Where you did you purchase the shawarma/donair?
PROGRAMMING NOTE: For all questions below, recode 00 (“Not selected”) to 02 (“No”). Re-label 01 (“Selected”) to (“Yes”)
INTERVIEWER: Please select all that apply

(*Q92_1_dv*) A sit-down restaurant
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q92_2_dv*) A take-out restaurant
00 Not selected
01 Selected

A food stand
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q92_4_dv*) Other
00 Not selected
01 Selected If selected: *AQ92* Please specify: ___________

(*Q92_97_dv*) Don't know / Not sure
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q92_99_dv*) Refused
00 Not selected
01 Selected

Northern community questions

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT, NU
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
Polar bear
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT, NU
*QN2_K*            Ptarmigan/Grouse
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from YT, NT
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

Fish and seafood

(*Q93_dv*)In the past 7 days, did you eat any fish (e.g. cooked trout, salmon)?
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                          If no: Go to Q95
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

Did you eat any of the following fish?

(*Q94_A_dv*) Smoked fish (e.g. smoked salmon)
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q94_B_dv*)Fish – eaten raw (e.g. sushi, tartare, sashimi, ceviche)
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q95_dv*)In the past 7 days, did you eat any shellfish?
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                          If no: Go to Q99
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q96_A_dv*) Mussels
01           Yes                                         If yes: *AQ96_A* Specify how many times ________
11           Yes, don't know how many times                           
02           No                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q96_B_dv*) Clams
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q96_C_dv*) Scallops
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q97_dv*)Did you eat any oysters?
01           Yes                                         If yes: *AQ97* Specify how many times ________
11           Yes, don't know how many times                           
02           No                                          If no: Go to Q99
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q98_dv*)Did you eat any oysters raw?
01           Yes                                         If yes: *AQ98* Specify how many times ________
11           Yes, don't know how many times                           
02           No                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

Northern community questions

Did you eat any of the following game or country food?


*Q99*                  In the past 7 days did (you/your child) eat any eggs (e.g.  Scrambled eggs, omelets)?
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q100*               Did (you/your child) eat any raw or undercooked eggs ( e.g. “runny”, “over-easy”, in raw cookie dough or drinks)?
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

Create combined variable *DQ9_dv*

Northern community questions

Did you eat any of the following game or country food?

 PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
*QN4_A*             Duck eggs
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
*QN4_B*             Geese eggs
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked to respondents from NT, NU
*QN4_C*             Other wild eggs
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

Dairy/dairy substitutes

(*Q101_dv*)Did you eat or drink any dairy products, excluding cheese?
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                          If no: go to Q103
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

Did you eat or drink any of the following dairy products?
[Coffee cream is considered a pasteurized milk product]

(*Q102_A_dv*)Pasteurized dairy milk
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q102_B_dv*)Any unpasteurized (raw) dairy milk (excluding cheese)
01           Yes                                         If yes: *AQ102_B* Specify how many times ________
11           Yes, don't know how many times                           
02           No                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q102_C_dv*)Powdered milk product
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q102_D_dv*)Whipped/Whipping cream
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q102_E_dv*)Sour cream
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q102_F_dv*) Ice cream/gelato
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q103*    Did you have any dairy substitutes or non-dairy milk (e.g. soy, almond, coconut or rice milk)?
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused


(*Q104_dv*) In the past 7 days, did you eat any cheese products?
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                          If no: go to Q106_A                       
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

Did you eat any of the following types of cheeses?

(*Q105_A_dv*)Cheddar cheese
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q105_C_dv*) Parmesan cheese
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

01           Yes                                         If yes: *AQ105_D* Specify how many times ________
11           Yes, don't know how many times                           
02           No                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q105_E_dv*)Feta cheese
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q105_F*          Any other cheese that is typically sold as blocks or cut from solid blocks or  (*Q105_F_dv*) wheels  (e.g. Emmental, jarlsberg  Monterey jack, Havarti, Colby, Oka)

01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q105_G_dv*)Any Brie, Camembert or other soft cheeses
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q105_H_dv*)Any blue-veined cheese such as blue cheese or gorgonzola
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q105_I_dv*)Any cottage, ricotta or other fresh cheese
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q105_J_dv*)Any cheese made from goat/sheep milk
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q105_K_dv*)Any processed cheese (e.g. sliced cheese, cheese string/tubes or from a jar)
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

(*Q105_L_dv*)Raw milk cheese
01           Yes                                         If yes: *AQ105_L* Specify how many times ________
11           Yes, don't know how many times                           
02           No                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

Create combined variable *DQ10_dv*

Frozen prepared foods

In the past 7 days did you eat any of the following frozen food?

*Q106_A*          Frozen vegetables
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q106_B*          Frozen berries
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q106_C*          Frozen fruit other than frozen berries
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused
Create combined variable *DQ11_dv*

*Q106_D*         Frozen pizza
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q106_E*          Frozen pot pies
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q106_F*          Frozen meals in a bag or box (e.g. stir fry, frozen dinners)
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q106_G*          Frozen snack foods/appetizers (e.g. mozzarella sticks, jalapeno poppers)
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

Dried, processed and other

In the past 7 days, did you eat any of the following dried or processed foods?

*Q107_A*          Dried fruit (e.g. raisins, cranberries, apricots, coconut)
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q107_B*          Granola bars, power bars, or other protein bars
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q107_C*          Chips or pretzels
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q107_D*         Chocolate or chocolate-containing candy
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q107_E*          Cold breakfast cereal
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q107_F*          Hot breakfast cereal (e.g. oatmeal, cream of wheat, porridge)
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refuse

*Q107_G*          Tofu
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q108*               In the past 7 days, did you take a dietary or nutritional supplement? (e.g. meal replacements, protein powder, vitamins, herbs)
01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

Ethnic foods

Now we would like to ask you about any foods you have consumed associated with a specific culture. This includes food eaten both inside and outside of the home.

In the past 7 days, did you eat any…?

*Q109_A*          Asian style foods (e.g. Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai)?

01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q109_B*          Indian style foods?

01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

*Q109_C*          Mexican style foods?

01           Yes                                                                        
02           No                                                                         
97           Don't know / Not sure 
99           Refused

Restaurant exposures

Now we would like to ask you about meals from fast food restaurants. Fast food restaurants are counter-service, drive through or carry-out eating places without table service.

*BLOCK2*         PROGRAMMING NOTE: Random selection – 1/3 Go to Question Q110, 1/3 Go to Question Q111, 1/3 Go to Question Q112_A–Q112_G

In the past 7 days, how many times did you eat a meal from a fast food restaurant? 01           None                                     If none: Go to Q113       
02           At least once                     *AQ110* Specify how many times ________; Go to Q113        
11           Yes, don't know how many times; Go to Q113                                 
97           Don't know / Not sure  If don't know: Go to Q113          
99           Refused  If refused: go to Q113

Create new derived variable *Q110_dv*

  • If Q110=02                         Use        01           Yes
  • If Q110=11                         Use        01           Yes
  • If Q110=01                         Use        02           No
  • If Q110=97                         Use        97           Don't know / Not sure
  • If Q110=99                         Use        99           Refused
In the past 7 days, how many times did you eat a meal from a fast food restaurant? (e.g. burgers, pizza, hot dogs)?

01           None                                     If none: Go to Q113       
02           At least once                     *AQ111* Specify how many times ________; Go to Q113        
97           Don't know / Not sure  If not sure: Go to Q113
99           Refused                               If refused: Go to Q113

Create new derived variable *Q111_dv*

  • If Q111=02                         Use        01           Yes
  • If Q111=01                         Use        02           No
  • If Q111=97                         Use        97           Don't know / Not sure
  • If Q111=99                         Use        99           Refused

Create combined variable *Q110_Q111_dv*

  • If Q110_dv=01 or Q111_dv=01                Use        01           Yes
  • If Q110_dv=02 or Q111_dv=02                 Use        02           No
  • If Q110_dv=97 or Q111_dv=97                Use        97           Don't know / Not sure 
  • If Q110_dv=99 or Q111_dv=99                Use        99           Refused

Create combined variable *AQ110_Q111_dv*= AQ111 or AQ111

In the past 7 days, did you eat any of the following types of food from a fast food restaurant?

*Q112_A* Burger
01 Yes If yes: *AQ112_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q112_B* Submarine or sandwich
01 Yes If yes: *AQ112_B* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q112_C* Fried chicken
01 Yes If yes: *AQ112_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q112_D* Mexican (e.g., tacos, burritos)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ112_D* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q112_E* Pizza
01 Yes If yes: *AQ112_E* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q112_F* Hot dog
01 Yes If yes: *AQ112_F* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q112_G* Other fast food meals
01 Yes If yes: *AQ112_G* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Drinking and recreational water

Now we are going to ask you about the water you drink(s).

Which one of the following was the main source of drinking water for your home?
INTERVIEWER: Please select one response
01 Municipal water Go to Q115
02 Private well Go to Q114
03 Store bought bottled water Go to Q115
04 Other water source *AQ113*Specify: ________
97 Don't know / Not sure Go to Q115
99 Refused Go to Q115

Create derived variable *Q113_A_dv*(“Municipal water”)

  • If Q113=01 Use 01 Yes
  • If Q113=02 or Q113 or Q113=04 Use 02 No

Create derived variable *Q113_B_dv*(“Private well”)

  • If Q113=02 Use 01 Yes
  • If Q113=01 or Q113=03 or Q113=04 Use 02 No

Create derived variable *Q113_C_dv*(“Store bought bottled water”)

  • If Q113=03 Use 01 Yes
  • If Q113=01 or Q113=02 or Q113=04 Use 02 No

Create derived variable *Q113_D_dv*(“Other water source”)

  • If Q113=04 Use 01 Yes
  • If Q113=01 or Q113=02 or Q113=03 Use 02 No
For your water source from a private well, what type is it?
01 Drilled-deep
02 Drilled-shallow
03 Dugout
04 Cistern
05 Other If other: *AQ114* Specify: ________
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Do you use a treatment system for your drinking water in your home?
[in-home treatment applies to the respondent's main residence, and includes Brita filters]
01 Yes
02 No =If no: go to Q118
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Treatment system for drinking water
01 Yes (answer provided)

What in-home treatment system do you use?
PROGRAMMING NOTE: For all questions below, recode 00 (“Not selected”) to 02 (“No”). Re-label 01 (“Selected”) to (“Yes”). Also, each of these were coded to “Selected” if the specific type of system was mentioned in AQ113. (E.g., if AQ113 = “Brita” then Q116_2_dv = 01 and AQ113 set to missing).
INTERVIEWER:Please select all that apply

(*Q116_1_dv*) Reverse osmosis
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q116_2_dv*) Carbon filter (e.g. On-tap filter, Water pitcher filter such as Brita, fridge filter)
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q116_3_dv*) Ultraviolet (UV) light
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q116_4_dv*) Chlorine
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q116_5_dv*) Other filter
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q116_97_dv*) Don't know / Not sure
00 Not selected
01 Selected

*Q116_99* Refused
00 Not selected
01 Selected

What is the primary reason why you choose to treat your home's drinking water?
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Q117_dv was created from the values of Q117, but replaced with missing if Q115 = 2, as Q117 should have been skipped for all respondents answering no to Q115.
INTERVIEWER: Please select one response
01 Bad taste or odor
02 Bad or unusual colour
03 Concern about harmful chemicals
04 Concern about cancer causing agents
05 Concern of germs (infectious agents)
06 Other
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Did you drink any lake, spring, or river water (that isn't treated) excluding your home water supply?
[Definition for raw water – any natural water that has not been treated for human consumption, excludes pool, hot tub water]
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

The next few questions are about places that you might have done some recreational swimming.

In the past 7 days, did you swim or go into any water?
[Includes hot tubs, pools, ocean, lake, river, hot springs etc.]
01 Yes
02 No If no: go to Q129
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ120_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ120_B* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ120_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Natural hot spring
01 Yes If yes: *AQ120_D* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Create combined variable *DQ12_dv*

  • If Q120_A=01 or Q120_B=01 or Q120_C=01 or Q120_D=01
    Use 01 Yes
  • If Q120_A =02 and Q120_B =02 and Q120_C =02 and Q120_D =02
    Use 02 No
Did you go into a pool?
01 Yes
02 No If no: go to Q124
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

What type of pool did you go into?
PROGRAMMING NOTE: For all questions below, recode 00 (“Not selected”) to 02 (“No”). Re-label 01 (“Selected”) to (“Yes”)
INTERVIEWER: Please select all that apply

00 Not selected
01 Selected

00 Not selected
01 Selected

[Commercial pool includes hotel, resort, fitness club, residential apartment, etc]
00 Not selected
01 Selected

00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q122_97_dv*) Don't know / Not sure
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q122_99_dv*) Refused
00 Not selected
01 Selected

Was the pool indoor or outdoor?
PROGRAMMING NOTE: For all questions below, recode 00 (“Not selected”) to 02 (“No”). Re-label 01 (“Selected”) to (“Yes”)
INTERVIEWER: Please select all that apply

(*Q123_1_dv*) Indoor
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q123_2_dv*) Outdoor
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q123_97_dv*) Don't know / Not sure
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q123_99_dv*) Refused
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q124_dv*) Did you go into a hot tub?
01 Yes
02 No If no: go to Q127
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

What type of hot tub did you go into?
PROGRAMMING NOTE: For all questions below, recode 00 (“Not selected”) to 02 (“No”). Re-label 01 (“Selected”) to (“Yes”)
INTERVIEWER: Please select all that apply

(*Q125_1_dv*) Public
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q125_2_dv*) Private
00 Not selected
01 Selected

[Interviewer: Commercial hot tub includes hotel, resort, fitness club, residential apartment, etc]
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q125_4_dv*) Other
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q125_97_dv*) Don't know / Not sure
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q125_99_dv*) Refused
00 Not selected
01 Selected

Was the hot tub indoor or outdoor?
PROGRAMMING NOTE: For all questions below, recode 00 (“Not selected”) to 02 (“No”). Re-label 01 (“Selected”) to (“Yes”)
INTERVIEWER: Please select all that apply

(*Q126_1_dv*) Indoor
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q126_2_dv*) Outdoor
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q126_97_dv*) Don't know / Not sure

00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q126_99_dv*) Refused
00 Not selected
01 Selected

Did you go to a recreational waterpark (i.e. wading pool, waterslide or spray park)?
01 Yes
02 No If no: go to Q129
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Was the recreational waterpark indoor or outdoor?
PROGRAMMING NOTE: For all questions below, recode 00 (“Not selected”) to 02 (“No”). Re-label 01 (“Selected”) to (“Yes”)
INTERVIEWER: Please select all that apply

(*Q128_1_dv*) Indoor
00 Not selected
01 Selected

00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q128_97_dv*) Don't know / Not sure
00 Not selected
01 Selected

(*Q128_99_dv*) Refused
00 Not selected
01 Selected

In the past 4 weeks, did you swim or go into a swimming facility, if so how many days?
01 Yes
02 No If no: *AQ129* Specify how many times ______
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Animal contact

Now I would like to ask you a few questions about your contact with live animals.

In the past 7 days did you have any contact with any animals, animal waste, habitat or food?
01 Yes
02 No If no: go to Q163
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you have any contact with any of the following companion animals, or pets, or their waste?
If yes - Please specify on average, how many times a day you touched the animal within the last 24-hour period you were in contact with the animal.
[This includes neighbors or friends pets etc., not just their households pet or companion animal]

01 Yes If yes: *AQ131_A* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ131_B* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ131_C* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Reptile such as snakes, iguanas, lizards (such as bearded dragons, geckos), turtles or contact with their enclosure (terrarium)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ131_D* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Amphibians (such as frogs, newts, salamanders)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ131_E* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Rodents, or pocket pets (such as mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets, hedgehogs)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ131_F* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Fish or aquarium
01 Yes If yes: *AQ131_G* Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you have any contact with any of the following farm animals or their waste?
If yes - Please specify on average, how many times a day you touched the animal.

01 Yes If yes: *AQ132_A*Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Goat, sheep or lamb
01 Yes If yes: *AQ132_B*Specify how many times _______
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ132_C*Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
01 Yes If yes: *AQ132_D*Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Poultry / baby poultry (such as chicks, goslings, ducklings, turkeys)
01 Yes If yes: *AQ132_E*Specify how many times ________
11 Yes, don't know how many times
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you handle any of the following animal foods or treats?

Dry pet food
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Canned/wet pet food
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Raw pet food (store bought or homemade)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Treats derived from animal parts (such as pig ears, rawhide, cow hooves)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Processed animal treats (e.g. chews, biscuits)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Rodents/insects for reptiles (e.g. feeder mice)
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Farm animal/livestock feed
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Did you visit any of the following locations where there were animals?

Petting zoo
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Farm or barn
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Agricultural fair
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Pet store
01 Yes
02 No
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Food safety

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Only asked if AGE ≥ 18 years and if month ≥ 8.

Now I would like to ask you some questions about your food safety practices in the home.
How do you usually clean your food preparation surfaces (e.g. cutting board, counter, sink, etc.) after preparing raw meat or poultry?

INTERVIEWER: Please read all options and check all that apply.
PROGRAMMING NOTE: For all questions below, recode 00 (“Not selected”) to 02 (“No”). Re-label 01 (“Selected”) to (“Yes”)

Soap and water
00 Not selected
01 Selected
Water only
00 Not selected
01 Selected
00 Not selected
01 Selected
00 Not selected
01 Selected
00 Not selected
01 Selected
00 Not selected
01 Selected
Don't clean
00 Not selected
01 Selected
00 Not selected
01 Selected
Don't know / Not sure
00 Not selected
01 Selected
00 Not selected
01 Selected
Do you use separate cutting boards for raw meat and other foods (e.g. vegetables and fruits)?
INTERVIEWER: Please read all options.
01 Yes
02 No
03 No, but I clean the cutting board after preparing raw meat before preparing other foods
04 No, but I cut other foods before cutting raw meat
97 Don't know / Not sure
After taking raw meat or poultry from a plate to put on the barbeque or cooking pan, how often do you switch to a clean plate for the cooked meat or poultry?
INTERVIEWER: Please read all options.
01 Never
02 Rarely
03 Sometimes
04 Often
05 Always
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

When storing raw meat, poultry or seafood in your refrigerator, what steps do you take to prevent contamination of other foods from the meat, poultry or seafood juices? Do you:
INTERVIEWER: Please check all that apply.
PROGRAMMING NOTE: For all questions below, recode 00 (“Not selected”) to 02 (“No”). Re-label 01 (“Selected”) to (“Yes”)

Put meat, poultry or seafood on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator
00 Not selected
01 Selected
Wrap meat, poultry or seafood in a second plastic bag
00 Not selected
01 Selected
Place meat, poultry or seafood on a plate
00 Not selected
01 Selected
Put meat, poultry or seafood in a container
00 Not selected
01 Selected
00 Not selected
01 Selected
Don't know / Not sure
00 Not selected
01 Selected
00 Not selected
01 Selected

In general, how do you know when your meat is cooked enough to eat?
INTERVIEWER: Please check all that apply.

PROGRAMMING NOTE: For all questions below, recode 00 (“Not selected”) to 02 (“No”). Re-label 01 (“Selected”) to (“Yes”)

*Q139_FS_1* Visually (i.e. no pink meat visible)
00 Not selected
01 Selected

*Q139_FS_2* Time
00 Not selected
01 Selected

*Q139_FS_3* Thermometer
00 Not selected
01 Selected

*Q139_FS_4* Taste
00 Not selected
01 Selected

*Q139_FS_5* Always cook meat thoroughly
00 Not selected
01 Selected

*Q139_FS_6* Meat juices run clear
00 Not selected
01 Selected

*Q139_FS_7* Don't cook meat
00 Not selected
01 Selected

*Q139_FS_8* Other tool
00 Not selected
01 Selected If selected: AQ139_FSSpecify: ________

Q139_FS_97 Don't know (AQ139_FS_dv)
00 Not selected
01 Selected

*Q139_FS_99* Refused
00 Not selected
01 Selected

Do you use a food or meat thermometer when cooking the following?

Any type of ground meat or meat mixtures (i.e. meatballs, sausages, hamburgers)
01 Yes
02 Sometimes
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
05 Refused
Whole chicken
01 Yes
02 Sometimes
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
05 Refused
Whole turkey
01 Yes
02 Sometimes
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
05 Refused
Chicken or turkey pieces (i.e. breast, legs or wings)
01 Yes
02 Sometimes
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
05 Refused
01 Yes
02 Sometimes
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
05 Refused
01 Yes
02 Sometimes
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
05 Refused
Pork cuts
01 Yes
02 Sometimes
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
05 Refused
01 Yes
02 Sometimes
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
05 Refused
Typically, how long after cooking food do you refrigerate the leftovers?
01 Within 2 hours after cooking
02 Within 2 to 4 hours after cooking
03 Within 4 to 6 hours after cooking
04 More than 6 hours after cooking
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
After handling raw meat or poultry, do you:
01 Wash hands with soap and water
02 Rinse hands with water only
03 Use hand sanitizer
04 Continue cooking
05 Wipe hands
06 Don't handle raw meat
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

Foodborne illness has been traced to many types of food. Have you ever heard of risks associated with any of the following foods?

*Q143_FSA* Hamburger

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q143_FSB* Chicken

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q143_FSC* Deli meats (i.e. cold cuts, hot dogs)

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q143_FSD* Frozen chicken nuggets

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q143_FSE* Unpasteurized milk

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused 

*Q143_FSF* Pasteurized milk

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q143_FSG* Soft unpasteurized cheeses (i.e. feta, brie)

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q143_FSH* Hard cheeses (i.e. Cheddar, Swiss)

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q143_FSI* Unpasteurized juice

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q143_FSJ* Alfalfa sprouts

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q143_FSK* Raw oysters

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

*Q143_FSL* Raw eggs

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused 

Which of the following activities could cause foodborne illness?

Eating chicken which is cooked so that the meat is still pink inside
01 Yes
02 Depends
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Eating a hamburger which is cooked rare so that the meat is still pink inside
01 Yes
02 Depends
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Eating undercooked eggs (e.g. runny eggs, eggs over-easy)
01 Yes
02 Depends
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Eating home prepared salad dressing that contains raw egg
01 Yes
02 Depends
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Eating cheese that has some mould on it
01 Yes
02 Depends
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Thawing frozen meat or poultry on the counter at room temperature
01 Yes
02 Depends
03 No
04 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused

To the best of your knowledge, which of the following groups of people would be at greater risk of foodborne illness compared to the general population?

01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Children under six years of age
01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
Pregnant women
01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
People with weakened immune systems (for example, cancer/HIV patients)
01 Yes
02 No
03 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Only asked if Q145FSA = 01
You said the elderly would be at greater risk of foodborne illness compared to the general population. How do you define elderly?
Specify: ________________
To the best of your knowledge, are there other groups at greater risk offoodborne illness compared to the general population?
01 Yes If yes: *AQ145_E_FS*Specify: ________________
02 No other groups at greater risk
97 Don't know / Not sure
99 Refused
In general, do you follow the cooking and storage instructions on food labels?
01           Yes                                        
02           No                                                                        
03           Don't know / Not sure
99           Refused

Self-reported height and weight

We're now going to ask about <your/your child's> height and weight. We use these measurements for estimating body mass index (or BMI) which can be used to explore topics related to health.

INTERVIEWER: Indicate respondent reported in feet/inches or meters/centimeters. If respondent is exactly 5 feet tall, please enter 0 on the inches field. Do not leave the inches field blank. If a respondent told you he or she is 3 feet and 12 inches tall, please convert the 12 inches to a foot, in this example, enter it as 4 feet and 0 inch tall.

Similarly, if a respondent is exactly 2 meters tall, please enter 0 on the centimetres field. Do not leave either field blank.
Do not report respondent height in both feet/inches and meters/centimeters. Clarify with the respondent if he/she gives both and record them in one metric only.

*Q163* How tall are you without shoes on?

*Q163_FEET* Height in feet
01 Answered *AQ163_FEET* ________ (record number)

*Q163_INCHES*Height in inches
01 Answered *AQ163_INCHES* ________ (record number)

*Q163_METERS* Height in meters
01 Answered *AQ163_METERS* ________ (record number)

*Q163_CENTIMETERS* Height in centimeters
01 Answered *AQ163_CENTIMETERS* ________ (record number)

*Q163_9997* Don't know or not sure how tall you are
00 Not selected
01 Selected

*Q163_9999* Refused to answer how tall you are
00 Not selected
01 Selected
*height_cm_dv* Height (cm)
PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. Grouped by quintile.

*BQ11* Height (cm)
01 38.1 <= height <= 157.5
02 157.5 < height <= 165.1
03 165.1 < height <= 170.2
04 170.2 < height <= 177.8
05 177.8 < height <= 215.9

How much do you weigh?

*Q164* Weight in pound or kilogram
01 Pounds *AQ164_WEIGHT* ________ (record number)
02 Kilograms *AQ164_WEIGHT* ________ (record number)
9997 Don't know / Not sure
9999 Refused

*weight_kg_dv* Weight (kg)


PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. Grouped by quintile.

*BQ10* Weight (kg)
01 3.4 <= weight <= 52.2
02 52.2 < weight <= 65.8
03 65.8 < weight <= 76.7
04 76.7 < weight <= 86.2
05 86.2 < weight <= 213.2

*bmi_dv* Body Mass Index, weight_kg_dv/(height_cm_dv/100)^2

*BQ12* Body Mass Index (Grouped by Cole method)
01 Normal weight or underweight
02 Overweight
03 Obese
04 Age 2 or under

PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. Grouped “Obese I, Obese II, and Obese III” together.

*BQ13* Body Mass Index (Grouped Int. Std. method)
01 Underweight (bmi<18.5)
02 Normal weight (18.5<=bmi<25)
03 Overweight (25<=bmi<30)
04 Obese (30<=bmi)
05 17 and under

Survey methodology

Now we would like to ask a few questions about your household.

*Q165* Including yourself, how many people live in your household?
01 Answered *AQ165* ________ (record number)
999 Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. Top coded at 6 or more.

*AQ165_dv* Number of adult children in the household
01 1
02 2
03 3
04 4
05 5
06 6 or more

*Q165A* How many adult children, age 18 and older, live in your household?

01 Answered *AQ165A* ________ (record number)
999 Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. Top coded at 4 or more. Recoded so no larger than AQ165_dv.

*AQ165A_dv* Number of adult children in the household
01 1
02 2
03 3
04 4 or more

*Q166* How many land lines do you have in your household?
01 Answered *AQ166* ________ (record number)
999 Refused
[A land line is a regular telephone line, typically served over a pair of copper wires from a phone company into your home in a fixed location. They are named as such because they are connected to a physical line rather than a cell tower or satellite. It is not a cell phone or mobile phone.]
PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. Top coded at 2 or more.

*AQ166_dv* Number of landlines in the household
01 1
02 2 or more

*Q167* How many cell phones are there among members of your household?
01 Answered *AQ167* ________ (record number)
999 Refused
PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. Top coded at 3 or more.

*AQ167_dv* Number of cellphones among members in the household
01 1
02 2
03 3 or more

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Asked only to respondents 25 years of age or older

*BQ8* The following question is about education. What is the highest level of education that you/she/he have/has attained?

01 Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
02 High school diploma or a high school equivalency
03 Trade Certificate or Diploma
04 College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma (other thantrades certificates or diplomas)
05 University certificate or diploma below the Bachelor's level
06 Bachelor's degree (e.g., BA BSc, LLB)
07 University certificate, diploma or degree above the Bachelor's level 97 Don't know
99 Refused

There are important relationships between health and income. Please be assured that, like all other information you have provided, your answer will be kept strictly confidential.

*BQ9* I am going to read to you 4 income categories and I would like you to give me your best estimate of the total income received by all household members, from all sources, before taxes and deductions, in the past 12 months. Was it:…

01 Less than $30,000
02 $30,000 or more, but under $60,000
03 $60,000 or more, but under $80,000
04 $80,000 or more
97 Don't know
99 Refused

Closing statement

Thank you for completing the survey with me today. The Public Health Agency of Canada sincerely appreciates your participation.

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Survey completion date
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Derived variable for month
Survey weight
Survey weight. PROGRAMMING NOTE: New variable for PUMF. 5 significant digits, no observation has weight <3 or missing.
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