COVID-19: Find your rhythm
A young adult walks down a hallway and passes two signs that read “COVID-19 vaccines” and “Seasonal Flu Shots”.
In the hallway, an elderly person and a person in a wheelchair are moving towards the young adult.
The young adult takes a large step to the right to create distance.
In a COVID-19 vaccination clinic, a nurse places a bandage on the arm of the same young adult.
Outside, a different young adult puts on a mask before entering a cafe.
In an apartment kitchen, the same young adult is lathering their hands with soap and water.
The young adult opens a glass door to improve ventilation in the room.
Narration: We’ve found our rhythm for staying well.
In another apartment, a different young person texts the words “Sick. Staying in.” to their friends.
Narration: So let’s keep up the good work by continuing to practise public health measures.
Back in a living room, the 3 roommates play video games together.
Text on-screen: Let’s keep up the good work.
The Government of Canada logo appears.
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