From Health Canada
Certified pesticides applicators: input your Pesticide Applicator Certification Number here. Non-certified applicators, select Not applicable.
Municipal lot and concession number, 911 address, GPS coordinates, or other identifying description.
If a tank-mix is used, choose the product with the largest buffer zone requirement for your habitats of concern.
Four or five digit number found on the front page of the product label.
Chose one of:
Wind speed should be measured at the site of application, at a height of 1.5 m above ground. For airblast spraying, measure upwind of the orchard.
Enter the ASAE spray quality category shown on the Canadian product label, found under the Directions for Use section. If a tank-mix is used, apply using the coarsest spray quality category indicated for those tank mix partners.
The height of the boom above the crop or bare ground (for pre-emergent applications). Boom heights greater than 0.6 m are considered high boom sprayers.
Select a recognized low drift nozzle and operating conditions from the list provided. For any nozzle not identified in the list please select ‘Other’ and enter the desired spray quality at application to determine your modified buffer zone.
Enter the ASAE spray quality category that you want to use at the time of spraying. It must not be finer than allowed on the product label.