Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator

Program Result Infectious disease outbreaks and threats are prepared for and responded to Result (Outcome)
Indicator Name Percentage of new pathogens of international concern that Canada has the capacity to accurately test for


This indicator will provide a measure of the Agency's ability to assess key infectious disease pathogens in the event of an outbreak, as identified by the World Health Organization. It provides insight into national outbreak preparedness and response capacity.


% = X/Y*100

X = Number of unique pathogens specified from the International Health Regulations (IHR) disease outbreak notifications for which an agent is implicated and for which NML has a test available to identify the disease agent available within the calendar year

Y = Total number of unique pathogens specified from the IHR disease outbreak notifications for which an agent is implicated in a calendar year

Additional Information

The IHR posts new pathogens of international concern on the internet (and by mail to partners) throughout the year. The program then evaluates internal testing capacity on an annual basis to confirm its ability to test for each identified pathogen. These results are recorded, tracked, and reported internally.

This is a new indicator, and a baseline will be determined going-forward. Using information from last year, it was determined that there was testing capacity available for 94 percent of IHR pathogen notifications. A target value of 90 percent was determined as a reasonable standard (or benchmark) for the Agency's ability to test pathogens identified by the IHR in a given year (based on previous results, current capacity, and forward expectations).

Baseline - 94% SGBA - Not Applicable


Excellent: > 90 (technical change - same for other indicators)
Acceptable range: 80-90
Requires attention: < 80

Data Type Data source Current value Target value Target Date Frequency Data Owner Category of Indicator?

-IHR notifications

-NML Guide to Services

-Program files

94% (2016) 90% 2020-03-31 Annually Director, Office of Science Planning (same for each indicator) InfoBase Indicator
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