Cross-Canada Survey of Radon Concentrations in Homes -Data Dictionary --Definitions-- Becquerel (Bq) The SI unit for radioactive decay. One becquerel is defined as one radioactive decay per second. Bq/m3 Becquerels per cubic metre. The SI units used to report radon concentration in air. --Columns— Average Radon Concentration (AverageRadonConcentrationInBqPerM3) The average radon concentration during the test period. Units are Bq/m3. Forward Sortation Area (FSA) (ForwardSortationAreaCodes) The FSA is the first three characters of the postal code. In cases where there was a single result from the FSA, the number of buildings in the FSA was less than 100, or the population was less than 500, the FSA information was suppressed to protect the privacy of the survey participant. There are 247 records for which FSAs have been redacted for these reasons. * - Indicates FSA data has been removed in order to protect the identity of study participants. Health Region (2007) (Health Region2007) Health Regions are administrative areas defined by Provinces/Territories where health services are delivered. The 2007 Health Region boundaries were in force at the time of the survey. In 2007, Canada was delineated into 124 Health Regions. Due to the low populations in some Health Regions, a few Health Regions were amalgamated: Burntwood (4680) and Churchill (4690) in Manitoba were combined to become Burntwood/Churchill (4685); and Mamawetan (4711), Keewatin (4712), and Athabasca (4713) in Saskatchewan were combined to become Mamawetan/Keewatin/Athabasca (4714). There were 121 Health Regions that were sampled for the survey. Health Region Code (2007) (HealthRegionCode2007) A unique four digit code used to identify each Health Region. Province/Territory (ProvinceTerritory) The Province or Territory in which the home is located. Result Number (ResultNumber) An arbitrary identifier assigned to each record in this dataset. Test Duration (days) (TestDurationInDays) The length of the radon test period, in days.